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September 01, 2004

Traffic Jam from Chopper fans

Check out the popularity of "Indian Larry"StatCounter (Fingertoe.com)

If I just wrote about Motorcycles every day, I could have the hottest blog on the net!

I am not really much of a motorcycle fan. I am a problem solving fan. I am addicted to "American Chopper" because I love to watch people solve problems. Paulie tends to have a lot of problems, and they always seem to find a way to fix them.

I have always said that if I where detail oriented I wouldn't be a good problem solver, as I wouldn't have had enough problems to practice with.

Seemed that the few shows I saw about Indian Larry, he was not nearly as interesting to watch, as he did most things right the first time.

Posted by jreighley at September 1, 2004 10:15 PM


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