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September 02, 2004

VoIP saves money.

So, My PBX project hit a snag. I recieved my fancy Sipura SPA-3000 which was supposed to connect my PBX to the world. It came with all of these coupons to try out the various Voice over IP providers. I signed up with BroadVoice.

Broadvoice is going to save us a small fortune. So my SPA-3000 is busy working on running our Broadvoice connection, and I don't really want to mess with it to play with the PBX. I will persevere I am sure. May have to buy another SPA-3000 darn it!

For 9.95, we could amost eliminate our long distance bills. Nearly all of our long distance goes to Oregon. We got a Portland Telephone number, and now can make unlimited calls to Oregon for 9.95 per month. All of our friends can call us for free as well. For 19.95 per month we can have unlimited US phone calls. Pretty good deal!

I ran into a friend at church today and was talking to him about my new-found phone fettish. He asked me if I knew of a cheap way to call the Dominican Repuplic. Said he has been spending a fortune in phone cards calling down there. His friend there has a DSL connection. I told him that if he signed up with Broadvoice, and got a 509 area code telephone number, his friend could plug the phone into the DSL and have a full featured phone that was able to call to and recieve unlimited calls from Spokane for 9.95 per month. It was fun to talk to somebody about this stuff who wasn't humoring me. ;-)

I wonder how the traditional Telcos are going to adapt to the commoditization of their products? With the devices being built now, all that you really need to pay them for is bandwidth, and they suddenly have to compete with the cable companies, and other high speed providers.

Posted by jreighley at September 2, 2004 12:43 AM


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