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September 01, 2004
Overturning the moneychanger's tables
I have been confronted quite frequently with questions about the Christian view on war. Tonight I see a interesting study posted at Radical Congruency on the toplic.
Radical Congruency » What Jesus Said About Violence, Nonviolence, Pacifism, etc
It is too late at night for me to add my two cents, but this looks like something worth sharing.
Posted by jreighley at September 1, 2004 12:43 AM
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Press release
Orlando City of Lights January 7 year 2005.
Dear Sirs.
Listening to some of Church leaders of the nation, Christian churches; makes me think that they do not understand “The Written Word” in the Bible or they are liars. It also makes me wonder if they even understand their own language, referring now to the American language written in the Webster’s New World Dictionary. This goes also to those that are Republicans and Democrats and call themselves “Christians;” for they also have a goat attitude about obeying the DOCTRINE of CHRIST; and economic interest in believing the lies of the President.
TYRANT: absolute ruler; one who seized sovereignty illegally; that describes George W Bush regarding the take over of Iraq. Therefore Democracy has a new definition, regarding what he is trying to do now in that sovereign nation; perhaps something similar to the following description.
DEMOCRACY: government forced militarily by a dictatorial American TYRANT.
FREEDOM: the state or quality of being free; from the control of some other person or some ARBITRARY POWER.
ARBITRARY: base on one’s preference, notion, or whim; capricious, absolute; despotic, synonymous with dictatorial. Freedom has a new terminology according to the whims of the American TYRANT; something as the following.
NEW FREEDOM according to George W Bush: one pretended in the midst of people killing one another.
Today I heard the LORD and read:
“And there went out another horse that was read; and power was given to him that sat thereto take PEACE from the EARTH, and that they should kill one another; and there was given unto him a great sword.” Revelation 6:4. More over: “Behold you among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously; for I will work a work in your days, which you will not believe, though it will be told you. For lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, the bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwelling places that are not theirs. They are terrible and dreadful; their judgment and their dignity shall proceed of themselves.” Habakkuk 1:5-7. “He that saith, I know HIM, and keeps not HIS commandments, is a Liar, and the Truth is not in him.” John 2:3.
If you can understand “The Written Word;” you would understand your call and HIS Commandment for True PEACE is LOVE and MERCY for your enemies. Repent! Says Ivor Manuel; praying for you and Peace for the World, prophet of the LORD.
Posted by: Ivor Munuel prophet at March 17, 2005 11:51 AM
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