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January 19, 2006


I have been playing quite a bit with WikiMedia lately. This is the software that runs the Wikipedia.

The fraternity house that I lived in when I went to college closed it's doors a couple of years ago due to low recruitment, and financial issues. The house was sold, and the chapter no longer has a presence on campus. As a result, there is a certain amount of loss for alumni. We no longer have a home when we visit campus. We don't get a newsletter each year keeping us connected.

The fraternity does plan to recolonize in a few years, and it would be nice if the chapter's history had a human feel to it. Enter WikiMedia. This is software that can be installed on a PHP/MySQL capable webserver that allows a community to maintain webpages. Now members can post all of their nostalgic stories and experiences on the Wiki, so that their fellow alumni can read it, and so that the future colony will have our experiences to learn from.

WikiMedia does have a bit of a learning curve. I have been encouraging people to post what they have, and not stress too much about the appearance. I frequenty go through all of the newly edited pages and tidy up.

So far after a week we have 4 contributors, and several more who are saying that they plan to. I think we already have some worthwhile content. I am hoping that it will pick up steam as the content gets better.

Posted by reighley at January 19, 2006 03:18 AM


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