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January 19, 2006

Becoming less fat.

Andee and I are starting our weight loss regimen. We lost about 25 lbs each last year on the Body for Life program. Unfortunately we have kinda strayed over the last 6 months, and have stopped losing weight. Andee is motivated to lose more wieght before we go to Hawaii in June.

I really like the Body for Life program. It makes a lot of sense. Basically you eat 6 times a day, eating small portions of carbohydrates and protiens with each meal. They encourage you to eat lowfat foods, mostly because fat has a lot of calories. I like that you have to focus on eating. On other programs I have felt like the focus was on not eating. I eat all of the time, and the foods that I eat are useful to my body, so my body doesn't really crave much.

The Body for Life program also encourages you to excercise vigorously, doing both wieght training and cardio.

I would like to lose another 40 - 50 lbs.. We will see what happens. I don't care about the numbers so much as I care about looking and feeling a bit better.

Posted by reighley at January 19, 2006 03:07 AM


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