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January 17, 2006

More incentive to remain drug free

I like Shaun Alexander a lot. He seems to have his head on right.

Seahawks expect Alexander to practice Wednesday, play in NFC title game Sunday - NFL - Yahoo! Sports

His entire weekend was bad. He had a bad cold all week but refused medication until just before the game. He said he then took "tons" of medicines, and felt somewhat strange when he started the game.

On Seattle's first drive, Alexander lost a fumble without getting hit -- his second lost fumble in two games after none in 350 carries in 15 games this season.

"Medicine's good for some people," he said. "Not for me."

It is so hard for anyone to stand up against the drug culture today. Every little ailment must be treated with a pill, our you are considered a Sado-masachist by those around you.

I think most people take so many drugs today, that they wouldn't know if they where truely feeling good or bad.. They have no baseline to measure from.

Posted by reighley at January 17, 2006 02:26 AM


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