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January 16, 2006
Don't neglect you legacy brands!
I have been gradually becoming more and more annoyed by Dreamhost's Dreambook product. Back in 1998 or so, I was looking for a Guestbook application for my Bat House webpage. Dreambook fit the bill exactly, and so I installed it.
Later I decided I wanted to get my own domain name, and I saw that the folks who hosted my dreambook where offering hosting. I signed up for Dreamhost and have never been disappointed. I have been their happy customer for 7 years now.
I am no longer a happy dreambook customer though.. My dreambook gets about 20-1 spam messages, and there is no out of box solution to cut down on the spam. I have submitted a suggestion, but I can imagine that dreambook constitutes .0000000095 % of Dreamhost's revenue stream, so I can't imagine that it is high on their priority list.
But if you have a product that creates the most annoyance to your customers, I think it warrents attention whether it is cost effective or not..
In the mean time, I added a mandatory feild. Are you a Spammer?? It has a dropdown, and requires them to select yes or no. Hopefully that will stop most of the robots..
Posted by reighley at January 16, 2006 03:33 PM
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