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November 22, 2004

Would somebody fire this guy?

It is alarming the kind of people that are idolized today.

Yahoo! News - Trump Casino Empire Files for Bankruptcy

Trump denied the bankruptcy was a setback.

"I don't think it's a failure, it's a success," he said in the interview. "In this case, it was just something that worked better than other alternatives. It's really just a technical thing, but it came together."

"We have one of the most powerful gaming companies the day it comes out (of bankruptcy). There's no way we could have done that without the 'B' word," he said.

In other words, his company made commitments that could not be kept, and are going to be stronger by breaking our promises to our creditors, and that is a good thing.

Gambling is an immoral activity. The people who engage in it for a living are immoral people. We shouldn't be looking up to them as businessmen. They are con-artists on a grand scale. Now we are raising an entire generation of Business students with this guy as a role model.

Posted by jreighley at November 22, 2004 05:02 PM


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