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November 18, 2004

Druggie culture update.

It looks like this Vioxx mess is going to offer us a taste of truth.

Yahoo! News - Expert Warns Against 5 FDA-Approved Drugs

I would argue that "Safe Drugs" are probably as safe as "Safe Sex". That is better than nothing, but not really all that safe at all.. Abstainence is the only real way to be safe. You may get a few moments of pleasure (or pain relief), but one time can sometimes cause a lifetime of disease, addiction or psychological trauma.

Human beings are a pretty amazing piece of machinery. We may think we know how one works, but really we have only theories. There are millions of parts interacting together to make a Human being. It is difficult to know what any substance is going to do to the perfomance of the millions of parts.

Pain generally serves a purpose. I think it is dangerous to eliminate pain by taking a pill. Half of the people on the steet are constantly medicated. If something is really going wrong, will they even notice? Or will they just pop another pill?

Posted by jreighley at November 18, 2004 10:36 PM


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