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October 26, 2004
Mission impossible
Another win for the Bloggers over mainstream media. Somehow the highly trained journaists and all of their layers of fact checking failed to notice the impossiblity of 380 tons of explosives being hauled off by a few looters.
Bottom line this operation would take the resources of AN ENTIRE COMPANY (approx. 100 men) OVER TWO WEEKS, good Intel to know exactly where the "right" explosives were hidden and a means of breaching huge steel doors and concrete of an ASP.
The Kerry campaign doesn't really care about the truth, and is shooting themselves in the foot by blaming Bush for this looting. According the NBC, when our troops arrived at this location, they found lots of weapons, but not the explosives in question. This was not looting, but a concerted efford by Saddam to hide or dispose of his weapons. It is likely that Saddam did this with other weapons as well. I would guess that the Iraqis have been moving weapons around for 12 years, and are actually quite good at it.
When the Democrats can blame Bush for losing weapons, it seems that they are happy to admit that Iraq had them. Otherwise, they say that there where no WMD in Iraq. Is the American Public really going to let them have it both ways?
Posted by jreighley at October 26, 2004 02:24 PM
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» UN loses Explosives in Iraq. from
Passionate America
Kerry has been caught once again lying and blaming Bush for a something the UN has screwed up. The explosives that Kerry blames Bush for not protecting in Iraq was missing before the US invaded Iraq. Moreover (read more) [Read More]
Tracked on October 26, 2004 02:46 PM
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