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August 21, 2004

Paid to be miserable

I think that there is a very big problem that is created by the massive amount of litigation and finger pointing that takes place in our society today.

It seems that whenever anything bad happens it is somebody's fault, and somebody should have to pay.

This is not really true. Entropy happens. Leave anything alone, and it is eventually going to break down. Accidents happen. A by-product of being alive is the certainty of death.

I think people tend to behave in a manner in which they are rewarded to behave. When the worse you feel, the bigger the settlement you will receive, you have an incentive not to feel good. It may not even be a conscious decision.

We have 3 classes of people in today's society. The victim class, that is paid to be miserable with insurance settlements, Lawsuit settlements, and disability payments. The working people, who work hard for their money, but have to relinquish a substantial portion to pay for the insurance, litigation and government obligations being consumed by the victim class. Finally you have the lawyers and lawyers and politicians who are supported by this whole process.

In the end, nobody wins except the lawyers.

It would be interesting to see a study of how long it takes people to recover from injuries in foreign nations where accidents are looked at as bad luck, and are rarely given financial reparations. I would bet that people recover much faster, and are happier in the long term than they are here.

Posted by jreighley at August 21, 2004 10:09 AM


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