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August 21, 2004

Enemy for life.

Kerry is now claiming that Bush is behind the Swift boat vets..

John O'Neill has been hounding Kerry about this stuff for 33 years. Bush did not invent him. When you say things like John Kerry said in 1971, you will make enemies. Especially if they believe you are lying. This kind of lie is not one that people are likely to forgive and forget.

I feel that campaign finance laws need to go. O'Neill has a right to free speech. There should be nothing that John Kerry can do to censor him. If he is lying, call him a liar, Refute his claims. Expose his motives. Sue him for libel. To make a law that prevents him from presenting his opinion in the political arena is the very kind of oppression that the First amendment is intended to prevent.

The Swift boat folks may very well be lying. They have plenty of motive to be angry with Kerry. I think their voice is negative, conspiratorial, and is not too credible. It will antagonize the Swing voters in the same way the Michael Moore and Howard Dean do. But they have the right to say what they have to say.

Kerry says that Bush should renounce these men's opinion. Bush was not in Vietnam. He did not see what John Kerry did or did not do there. He would be out of line calling these guys liars unless he knew that they where liars.

The problem Kerry has is that his campaign has squandered their credibility lying about trivial issues like Bunny Suits. And when they try to make a case regarding a serious issue, nobody has any reason to believe them.

Posted by jreighley at August 21, 2004 09:49 AM


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