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August 04, 2004

Fired for a BLT

Just to be a rebel, I think I am going to side with the employer on this one.

local6.com - Problem Solvers - Woman Fired For Eating 'Unclean' Meat

I think employers should be allowed to live by their faith, and hire people with the same values that they have. The law of the land disagrees with this viewpoint.

I believe that it is wrong for the government to force a employer to tolerate something that is repulsive to them for religious reasons.

Catholics are being forced to pay for birth control. I think this is also very wrong.

If I am running a company, do I trust somebody who cannot keep a commitment to his wife and children to keep a commitment to me? Do I have to hire somebody who is untrustworthy? There is not a law against adultery in most states. If I discrimate against somebody openly engaged in this activity, I could be sued for religious discrimination. I believe that discrimination against un-repentant sinners should be allowed. The courts often disagree.

When it comes down to the bottom line, Most of our laws and social norms stem out of biblical teachings of some sort. Workplace rules should be up to the employer. Things will get very hairy if the government starts micromanaging trivial workplace rules.

What happened to the free exercise clause of the first amendment? Basically today, that seems to give people the right to sing and listen to a sermon once a week. If you try to run a company based on 2COR 6:14; you are on very dangerous legal ground. If you ignore that passage, and trust your affairs to agents who do not willing to follow biblical based rules, your company is likely to have a lot of evil problems that the rest of the culture has.

Fun Dilemma eh?

Posted by jreighley at August 4, 2004 10:08 AM


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Okay, I admit it, this was total flamebait. Does anyone read this thing? ;-) Although I do agree with the ideas expressed on some level.

1, If I where to bring a 'fear factor' lunch to eat in the company lunchroom each day, I don't think my employer would be out of line for asking me to stop. Where do we draw the line? What one person thinks is awful another person may enjoy. If I own a lunchroom, I think that my employees and I should be allowed to use it without being grossed out.

2. If a totally qualified canidate like Dan Perdue (http://fingertoe.com/archives/000092.html) where to apply for a job at my company, would I be justified in turning him down becuase of his admitted infidelity?

I don't think I should be allowed to discriminate based on religion, but I should be able to accept or reject somebody based on their behavior.

Posted by: Site icon Josh Reighley at August 4, 2004 10:19 PM

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