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August 03, 2004
Something for nothing
I find it upsetting how governments are actively engaging in encourageing a destructive sin.
Yahoo! News - Addicts Are Overlooked in Gambling Boom
The bible says "Thou shall not covet". I do not see a market for gambling unless people are violating this commandment.
Most of our culture has declined to look at the bible as a foundation for right and wrong. From a libertarian point of veiw, Gambling is not wrong. People have the right to make bad decisions and ruin thier lives, and the lives of their families.
I think that the core problem is that the Government not only took the Libertarian side, but they went way to far. They sold gambling as a good thing. The advertize their lotteries, and encourage people to gamble.
The fruits of a gambling culture are pretty sour. We have people who are addicted to gambling that are betting nearly everything they have, driving their families into financial crisis and often divorce.
People's work ethic is also corrupted. The state is selling it's citizens on the dream of getting rich quick. People are constantly waiting for thier Lotto numbers to come up instead of saving their money for the future.
Most means of aquiring wealth create value. Gambling winnings create no value. They take money from one person, and give it to another. Since no product or service is created. The economy gains nothing. Somebody gets sometihng for nothing, and everybody else gets nothing for something.
The lottery is a regressive tax. Enticing the poorest portions of our society pay massive percentages of their income.
If you gamble please ask yourself why. If you win, it means somebody else loses. Do you really want to take money from poor and desparate people? In effect if you support the gambling industry, that is what you are doing.
it is wrong for a man to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble.
Posted by jreighley at August 3, 2004 07:23 AM
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