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July 27, 2004

Another Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

The Republicans must be so clever.. Drudge is reporting that they conspired leak photographs of John Kerry crawling through a tube in a clean room suit.


Kerry's camp denies knowning that these photographs where being taken. Kerry has a pretty big smile and pose in those photos, I suspect that they might be lying.

I would love to see what is really inside Karl Rove's dirty trick drawer.. (I suspect it is something much better than a Oompa Loompa suit!) Whatever it is, we will probably find out soon enough.

On a side note... I wore a suit like that for work for 22 months in the 90s. I don't think there are any photographs.

Posted by jreighley at July 27, 2004 09:33 PM


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» NASA Denies Dirty Trick from Site icon CALIFORNIA YANKEE
Monday The Kerry campaign demonstrated extremely bad judgement in letting candidate Kerry pose in a "bunny suit." Yesterday the campaign exercised even worse judgement by accusing NASA of engaging in dirty tricks. NASA denies the dirty tricks charge. T... [Read More]

Tracked on July 28, 2004 06:57 AM


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