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February 17, 2006

Singing the praises of Chris Gregiore

Governor Gregoire gets some points in my book. (For the first time ever)

KREM.com | News for Spokane, Washington | KREM Top Stories

Washington's Lottery will not continue earlier plans to market itself to young adults after an order from Gov. Chris Gregoire, officials said.

The lottery, which reports $13.7 million in annual sales to 18- to 20-year-olds, said in its 2005-2007 business plan that it planned to advertise to that age group.

I absolutely despise the lottery's "It's good to play" campaign. This is a humongous lie, and a fraud that the state is peddling on its citizens.

We have 2 or three generations now that have their hopes tied up on the miracle windfall. No longer to we dream of serving our fellow citizens to gain a living. No longer do we dream of creating new valuable products. Those are unglamorous dreams, discouraged by every one of the state's lottery ads.

Most people who play the lottery lose. They give up their heard earned money, and get nothing in exchange except for a covetous heart, and false hope.

The state should be in the business of creating and encouraging hard work and success. Instead, they are in the business of creating as many losers as possible.

The lottery is basically a tax on those without hope.

Gregoire is doing the right thing. She needs to go much, much further.

Posted by reighley at February 17, 2006 03:15 PM


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