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January 30, 2006
Steelers vs. Seahawks
I grew up in Washington state, but it seems like every friend or acquaintance I have made over the years has been a huge Steelers fan.
Out of convenience, (the Hawks usually stink) I have been sucked along on the bandwagon more times than not.
This year, I don't really have the luxury of rooting for the Steelers, but still, this is pretty darn cool:
Posted by reighley at January 30, 2006 03:59 AM
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I think John Eldredge has some good insights, but all that macho-man posturing makes me sick. I really hope John Eldredge doesn't become a spokesman for America's Christian men.
Posted by:
at January 30, 2006 10:13 PM
I'm a huge Steelers fan, have been for 25 years. Yet I'm the kind of fan who can't get but so excited about this week because the Steelers (10 years ago) lost the reputation of winning every Super Bowl they got in, so I'm scared they'll lose it again. I hear they're picked by a field goal or so. Dang - I think they'd do better as underdogs!
Still, should be a great game.
Posted by:
at January 31, 2006 07:32 AM
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