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January 25, 2006

Josh the Inventor.

For the last couple of years I have been fantasizing about a super bowl delicacy that I have never seen before.

A sweet cornbread waffle topped with Chili, Sour Cream and Cheese.

I have been afraid to try it.

Today I was feeling fearless, so I poured the cornbread batter into the waffle iron and ....

It worked!

The waffles where a little bit limper than regular waffles, but I think they are going to be okay, Nathan (almost 3) gave them the big thumbs up. He ate my waffle plain, but he refused to eat his own waffle that was smothered in syrup. (Mommy cut it wrong)

Hmmm.. How am I going to make this work with my diet??? Glad I get a free day every week!

Posted by reighley at January 25, 2006 08:49 AM


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Maybe you should make the journey down to Boise for the super bowl at Big Al's house so we can all try your new concoction.

Posted by: jess [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 25, 2006 03:48 PM

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