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January 25, 2006


I have played a bit with some social bookmarking websites, but have never been terribly impressed. I just signed up for Blinklist however, and I think it may be worthwhile. What impresses me is that you can query for any tag, and your query will have an RSS feed. I notice that if you click on the rss feed, it gives you javascript code so that you can append your links right into any webpage. I am sure this will be very useful. I am not positive why.

Posted by reighley at January 25, 2006 04:39 AM


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Funny how I linked to them, and a few seconds later their website went down.

Lets just call it the "Fingertoe effect"

Posted by: Site icon jreighley [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 25, 2006 05:22 AM

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