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January 13, 2006

Does it have to be true to be effective?

Oprah is defending James Frey, the author of her book club book: A million little pieces

My Way News

"He's said he's had many conversations with my producers who do fully support him and obviously we support the book because we recognize that there have been thousands and hundreds of thousands of people whose lives have been changed by this book."

My wife finished the book yesterday, and wants me to read it. I read through the Smoking Gun's extensive audit of the book, and it looks quite apparent that this book is pretty well rooted in fiction.

The question is, Does it matter? The author apparently did go through a rehab program, so he likely has experienced life as an addict. He maintains that the Memior is "emotionally true".

I suspect that it does matter. The ends don't justify the means. If you change lives with lies, those lives are not really changed, just fooled. Sad, but true.

James probably made a fortune off of this book, and Oprah's endorement. All of this controversy will probably make his book even more noticed. There is no such thing as bad publicity when you have a product to move.

Posted by reighley at January 13, 2006 01:21 AM


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