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October 17, 2005

Treading Water -Riding the tide.

I have been quiet lately, so I figured I should drop a line. The family has been pretty sick for the last week or two. We seem to keep passing the bug around. It seems like a lot of people are sick at work as well, although that doesn't affect me too much on the graveyard shift.

I have been enjoying the BSF study of Genesis this year. It is always challenging to keep up with the daily study. I often fall behind and have to play catch up at the end of the week. I am certain that this is an indicator that my priorities need some adjustment. Life is so much easier if you put God first. If you try to fit him in where you have space, pretty soon you are strugging through every life challenge all by yourself. After all that God has given us he deserves our best effort. Too often our gift to him the scraps of our life. I am working on being better about giving my best.

Andee is doing BSF this year, and the kids are going as well. It has been pretty neat to be able to talk about what we are learning, and all be able to immediately relate.

I think Liferoads is emerging from their transition in leadership with a renewed energy and passion. I see a lot of growth going on, and God is using a lot of people in new and exciting ways.

The Asterisk PBX system is finaly totally stable. it has been running for about a month without any trouble. I reboot it every 10 days or so just for good measure. Once I got the OEM X100P - FXO PCI Card from Digit Networks and tuned the Tx and Rx values, my Sipura 841 phones started behaving themselves.

Graveyard shift is not bad. Sometimes I get myself into trouble by staying up too late. Seems that if I don't go to bed by 10 AM or so, I have a lot of trouble going to bed at all. A couple of weeks ago, I went for an entire workweek with 8 or 10 hours of sleep total. I don't think I will let that happen again.

Posted by reighley at October 17, 2005 12:44 AM


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I think the graveyard shift can actually be quite nice. At least (ideally) you could sleep all day long, and then you can have the evenings for friends and family before heading off to work. Much better than 2nd shift anyway (3pm to midnight). That stinks.

Posted by: Site icon Joe [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 17, 2005 05:28 AM

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