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October 06, 2005

Fear of Success

I wonder if the true reason for all of the negative reaction within the conservative camp to the Harriet Miers nomination is because they fear having a judiciary system that is on their side.

It doesn't make much sense for the GOP to oppose an Evangelical Christian pro-business nominee. I am totally cynical regarding their motives. Even if she is only moderately qualified, she is by all accounts going to vote on their side on most issues.

How many votes have the Republican Party earned this year because of the gay marriage issue? How many votes do they retain each year because of Roe vs. Wade? If the courts where to settle these issues, those voters would no longer be trapped voting for the Republican Party. I would argue that the Evangelical Christian movement is actually middle-right, not far right. Once the life issues are no longer in contention, other issues like poverty, health care, and environmental stewardship could be voting issues for evangelical Christians, and many of them would vote for more liberal candidates.

Having the judiciary consistently irking the middle-left will be a huge boost for the Democratic Party.

I think that many politicians in the GOP are pretty insincere in their pro-life convictions. They talk the talk to get the votes. It is very odd, how many GOP Senators are very negative regarding Miers' nomination while the Democrats are taking a wait and see approach.

Posted by reighley at October 6, 2005 06:17 AM


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