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January 11, 2005

Talented Brat

Jeffri Chadiha writes about Mike Tice's apparent fear of disciplining Randy Moss.

Yahoo! Sports

Besides, what would be the cost if Tice upset Moss by actually disciplining him? As talented as he is, it's not like the team has won anything with him. This is Minnesota's first trip to the postseason since 2000 and a wildcard win over an overrated Green Bay team isn't any reason to think the Vikes suddenly turned things around. They're still an erratic team, one that could easily get embarrassed in Philadelphia this weekend. In fact, there are only two things that I can guarantee with the Vikings. One is that Moss will always be a pain. The other is that Tice will one day regret his decision to coddle Moss for as long as he has.

I don't think that any team works too well when it is busy pampering a spoiled rotten brat. If I where the Vikings GM, I would have traded this guy years ago.. It is impressive to see how much teams throughout sports often improve after eliminating the player that the team has been revolving around.

Posted by jreighley at January 11, 2005 09:38 AM


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