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September 14, 2004

Capitialist Alert!


Funny how the Hoax naysayers are sticking to the arguement that these Documents are real. They indicate that it was possible to create a document that matches the default word settings of today back in 1971.

The likehood that Killian actually went through all of the trouble to replicate a 2004 word document font when he was just writing a CYA memo to himself is bordering on insane.

Killian's family says that he couldn't hardly type, He never kept notes like this. The military policies forbid this kind of document.

The document matches the formating templates that the military uses today, not the templates that they used back then.

I think the most definitive website I have seen on this is JOSEPH M. NEWCOMER's

His website is complaining of being a bit overburdened from the traffic, so I will quote his conclusion here.

So we have the following two hypotheses contending for describing the memos

* Attempts to recreate the memos using Microsoft Word and Times New Roman produce images so close that even taking into account the fact that the image we were able to download from the CBS site has been copied, scanned, downloaded, and reprinted, the errors between the "authentic" document and a file created by anyone using Microsoft word are virtually indistinguishable.
* The font existed in 1972; there were technologies in 1972 that could, with elaborate effort, reproduce these memos, and these technologies and the skills to use them were used by someone who, by testimony of his own family, never typed anything, in an office that for all its other documents appears to have used ordinary monospaced typewriters, and therefore this unlikely juxtaposition of technologies and location coincided just long enough to produce these four memos on 04-May-1972, 18-May-1972, 01-August-1972, and 18-August-1973.

Which one do you think is true? Which one would a 13th-century philosopher think made sense? How many totally unlikely other juxtapositions are expected to be true? How could anyone believe these memos are other than incompetent forgeries?

Posted by jreighley at September 14, 2004 06:54 AM


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So may he rest, his faults lie gently on him! vinnie I have not slept one wink.

Posted by: Site icon vinnie at November 30, 2004 02:09 PM

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