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September 10, 2004

Jesus's vote.

I seem to see a lot of speculation on how Jesus would vote. This annoys me. If Jesus where to vote, he would vote for the winner. As he has the power to direct the outcome of any election. His vote is really the only vote that matters. I think in most cases however he does not intervene, and lets us reap the consequences of our national "free will"

If where only to pray as much as we complained and politiced, perhaps we wouldn't have half of the messes that we have in our culture today.

If we where to obey the direction that He gave us, we also wouldn't have nearly the mess that we have today. I think it is quite rare today to find an obedient Christian. We all value something to the point that we put Christ in second place. Be it our money, our legalist philosophies, our lust for power, our desire for the respect of our peers., Our overindulgence in the pleasures of today... Any of these can interfere with us having the kind of relationship with Christ that overflows into our community and changes people's lives for the better.

I feel a little guilty every time I blog about politics. It is such a dirty game. In the end, George W Bush and John Kerry only have so much power. It is miniscule compared to the power of God. Putting too much emphasis on this human power is a form of idolatry.

Posted by jreighley at September 10, 2004 11:32 PM


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