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August 28, 2004
Screensaver syndrome
I have screensaver syndrome... Let me explain.
Today I went out to our favorite spot, and harvested huckleberries.. I also made a trip out earlier this week. I noticed after both trips that frequently when I closed my eyes, I had this image flash into my mind of bushes with purple berries hanging off of them about an armslength away.
I remember several years ago I had a job working for a factory here in town that mad "Lids" for computer chips. (Incidentally, I did this dressed as my Sisters' favorite presidential canidate) These where gold-plated square plates with a gold-tin preform that was welded to them. The lid sealed your trusty Pentium 66 chip inside of its little ceramic package. One of the jobs we would do was called "Sides". If you where lucky enough to get this job, you would sit at a microscope all day (or 12 hr Graveyard shift to be more specific) and inspect these lids to make sure that none of the pre-forms where chipped, there where no stains, burrs or other blemishes on them.
After I worked that job, It would take a week or so to get the "golden image" out of my head. I quickly became one of the better robotic-tack-welder operators on my shift, so I rarely had to do this job.
Anyway, My Dad mentioned to me today that when he goes home after picking berries, he has a berry screensaver too. I asked my wife, and she did not have a berry screensaver. What do you figure that is about? Do you have a screensaver in your brain?
Posted by jreighley at August 28, 2004 11:19 PM
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