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August 27, 2004
Another nerdy post
I bought one of these today: Sipura SPA-3000
This should allow me to connect my regular phone line to my PBX, and my household phones to both the regular phone line and my VoIP connection.
If I am not mistaken, this may be the only hardware invstment I need to make to get the system up and running the way I want it. (I am nearly certain I am mistaking)
So far, I have been able to get my PBX to answer the Voicepulse number, and I have been able to get a softphone on my computer to be able to use the VoIP connection to dial my land-line. There is an astonishing amount to learn. about asterisk. I have been making a bit of progress every day.
Posted by jreighley at August 27, 2004 12:12 PM
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