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August 06, 2004

Will Losers fund Washinton State?

Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Eyman's gambling initiative makes fall ballot

Looks like gaming machines may soon be commonplace in my neighborhood. "Eyman has said it's a win-win initiative - lower taxes without service cuts" I don't buy it. The state is going to still need the same amount of money. The only question is where are they going to get the money. If they collect the money using gambling, they are going to get the money from losers. The state gains a economic incentive to create more losers.

Gambling creates losers. Gambling addictions ruin lives. Resisting this temptation becomes quite a challenge when instead of having to drive to the nearest reservation, you need to walk a few extra feet in establishments that you frequent.

The 2% that they are setting aside for dealing with problem gambling shows that even the proponents admit this is a problem. I don't think you can spend any amount of money to remove greed from somebody's heart.

Under a traditional tax structure, the state collects money from winners. The state then has a incentive to create more winners.

Posted by jreighley at August 6, 2004 09:48 AM


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