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July 30, 2004

I am watching you!

I just installed StatCounter on all of my websites. A good tracking program is a very handy tool for anyone who is serious about building traffic to their website.

The Statcounter can be installed so that it is totally invisible on the website. You just paste a bit of code into each of your HTML documents, and every visitor to your website is tracked.

Statcounter includes a very useful path report that shows what each visitor looked at while touring your website. You can see where customers are entering your website, and what pages are intriging your visitors enough that they stick around and check out the rest of your content.

Another useful feature is the referer report which shows how people are finding your website. For example, I noticed today that I was getting hits from here: Basecamp

It is also good to know what screen resolutions and browsers your visitors are using so that you can test and optimize your site to keep your visitors happy.

Sitecounter is free for casual users. It is supported by ads that appear on your reporting pages. If you don't have another counter you are using, it is worth checking out.

Posted by jreighley at July 30, 2004 10:46 AM


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