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July 21, 2004


I wonder if anyone is fooled by this stuff... The Democrats have one of their leading advisors get caught 'accidentally' stuffing classified documents in his pants and socks. Now they are trying to turn it into a massive Republican conspiracy.

Yahoo! News - Kerry Camp Accuses White House of Berger Leak

This is another evidence of why Bush is going to win. The moderate American voters are moderate because they don't believe everything that anybody tells them. If somebody stuffs classified documents in their socks and calls it an accident, they lose a lot of credibility. Then they try to make the whole thing into their opponent's fault?

Their case: It is damages their credibility and comes at a convienient time for their opponent.

The credibility was damaged by Mr. Berger's actions, not by anything the Republicans do. Also, it is a political season, so anytime between now and the election is going to be a darn convienient time for any damaging info to come out. Leaks happen. Usually they are not a massive conspiracy. They are the actions of one individual who believes the public should know about something in the public interest. If the DOJ had put out a press release on this matter, I am not sure they would have been out of line.

The Democrats don't want us to know the truth because the truth hurts them. The "Farenheit 9-11" fans might buy this conspiracy theory, but the moderates of America is going to trust them less, and trust Bush more.

Posted by jreighley at July 21, 2004 02:38 PM


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