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June 16, 2004
How to manage the Blogroll
So, today I looked over at my Blogroll, and I have decided it is a mess.. The Blogroll is the What I am reading section on the right margin of the website. I wonder what the best method is to present that part of the website. Bloglines is pretty helpful in automatically creating it based on the Blogs that I am subscribed to. But they do not automatically present them in a nice format.
I like to read a lot of stuff that I don't agree with. Usually the stuff that I read is well written (unlike this blog). I would be happy to share these good writers with the blog world, but I don't want my link to be an endorsment of them. I enjoyed reading about the impending end of the world the other week for example. I didn't believe that it was true, but it was entertaining.
Also, I figure it is my duty to subscribe to at least one intersting start up blogger per day. Some may be worth reading, and some may not. Some may be gone in a week.
Anyway. Leave a comment if you have a suggestion on the best way to organize the links.
Posted by jreighley at June 16, 2004 07:37 PM
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