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February 27, 2009

You won't find this at Christian Supply...

I found the verse, plagiarized the Title from Donnie's reaction when I shared it with him, and the idea of the stock market chart from Sol.

February 11, 2009

Fairies, submarines, and sewers

Daddy (Me): Julia, how much did you get from the tooth fairy the other day?
(The tooth fairy visited the grandparents house where she was staying)

Julia: 1.50 in quarters.

Daddy: Quarters? I have a question. How do you think the tooth fairy flies around to all the kids all over the world weighed down by all of those quarters? Wouldn't she be too heavy to fly?

Julia thinks for a few seconds.

Julia: Well, this is just a theory, but I think she has a submarine that goes through the aquifer or the sewer carrying all the quarters from house to house. That way she doesn't have to fly so far.

My daughter is brilliant, don't you think?

February 5, 2009

The Office meets Dilbert meets Real life.

My friend Greg, a former co-worker and I where reminiscing today on Twitter...

Our management at one time wanted to get everyone excited, and to make us part of the team.. So in "The Office" style, they decided to have us work in groups of 3 to come up with the best Mission statement for our department..

One of us entered all of the popular corporate buzzwords into the "Dilbert Mission Statement generator" (Sadly, this is no longer online) A few times, then we picked the best output. I seem to remember hacking an edge or two off the randomly generated one. Naker remembers us turning it verbatim.. I think his version of the story works better (This is a war story after all)

We turned it in, and we won. I don't remember what the prize was, but it was moderately substantial. Something in the 50 dollar range if I remember right.

I checked, and they have not changed the mission statement since....

Oddly enough, the three of us on the team no longer work there.. (Some by choice, some less so) I guess we didn't take the mission seriously enough.