New at Liferoads...
My church started "Sunday Night Teaching" last night. This is going to be a weekly service where some of the men in the church teach straight through books of the bible. I think it is a terrific idea, and I am glad it is happening.
In a moderate sized church like ours, with only one Sunday service, many of the volunteers miss out every other week or so. This new service will provide a way to get fed more of the word.
I like it when preachers and teachers teach through a book of the Bible. It forces them to address the confusing and unpopular passages, that can be the seeds of doubt and the points of rebellion within the congregation.
The SNT guys built a blog and podcast on the first day. Be sure to check it out. If you are in the Spokane area and would like to join us, SNT is at 6:30 Sunday nights at Liferoads Church.
I think expository preaching through a book of the Bible is the best way to go. Sounds like a good program!
We always have Sunday night church, it is funny that you all are adding it, and most of the members we have are dropping it.