Enough Dogmatic Politicians.
Senator Thompson is going after Huckabee for not being a Reagan conservative because Huckabee says he will sign a nationwide smoking ban, should congress pass one. Senator Thompson thinks that this is a violation of states rights that would make Ronald Reagan roll over in his grave.
Ronald Reagan signed a similar bill that forced all states to raise their drinking age to 21, saving 17,000 lives so far.
The "Club for Growth" is also attacking Huckabee for allowing Arkansas to pay it's bills and keep the roads and schools usable. Republicans are not libertarians. We oppose taxes especially at the federal level to redistribute wealth and to bribe certain congressional districts to keep the majority party's incumbent in power. We should not oppose all state taxes used to build infrastructure in the area where the taxes are collected.
Sometimes there is good reason to put aside the dogmatic adherence to some philosophical argument in order to make pragmatic decisions that improve life for all Americans. Ronald Reagan knew this, and Mike Huckabee knows this.