Being a nerd
So, here are the items in my Nerdy Pipeline:
I switched over to Comcast Digital Voice. Comcast is offering TV, Internet and Phone service in my area for 33 bucks each for a year when you buy all 3. This isn't too nerdy, but it is new. I got to torture my poor wife by making her watch ultimate fighting with me.. (She actually was on the phone the whole time) I am canceling my ViaTalk service. Their service was fine, but it is not necessary since my Comcast line has unlimited long distance.
I have been working on a program to compute trajectories on long range shooting. Not sure I would be able to miniaturize it to the point that it would be useful in the field, but it is a fun programming problem to de-rustify my skills.
Julia starts school Next week, and I have volunteered to help facilitate their chess club. I started teaching Julia to play chess when she was 3, but we lost momentum pretty fast after she learned the names of the pieces. Her school has kids K-3, but everyone except the Kindergartners already know how to play.
I am getting ready to test out Gmail for domains on one of my community websites. That should be an adventure!