Who unplugged the Robot???

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Well,  I have had a bit of a down week.   Not sure what happened, but I just got kinda gloomy..  Nothing really went wrong, but nothing really went right either.   By Saturday, I was really grumpy, and couldn't really put my finger on why.

 Sunday morning during worship, I think I figured it out.  For months, we have been struggling pretty hard financially.  We do crazy things like put five dollars worth of gas in the car at a time.  We  scrounge for stuff to sell to get enough money to go to a resturaunt.  We are not poor by any means.  We have just enough, and nothing more.  Cashflow is very tight.

 Last week, we where not broke for the first time in a very long time.  I had decided in advance to be more disciplined with the money.  In the past, we have always blown our windfall money.  This hasn't been healthy.  I thought things through, and decided not to go take a flying lesson or do anything else that would wet my appetite for money.  I paid some bills, invested in some useful classes for my wife and myself, and bought some groceries.  Overall we behaved ourselves..

 I didn't really pray much all week.  I prayed with the kids when I went to bed.  Those where honest prayers.  But I didn't really break out of the routine at all.  I created a law, stayed in the law, and forgot all about why I was doing what I was doing, and not doing what I was not doing.

I have been robotic..  I programmed the course, and turned myself on..  As I excecuted the program, I failed to notice that I had pulled my plug out of the wall..  While I am still able to follow my course, I am quickly getting tired, lethargic, and apathetic.   I lost my power source! 



Joe said:

It's great, though, that you recognized this - that's the first step back!

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This page contains a single entry by Josh Reighley published on May 1, 2006 2:04 AM.

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