Teletubby daddy
Today I was sitting on the couch minding my own business, and Julia, my 4 year old came up to me and said "Daddy, you are wearing a Teletubby shirt"
I am certain that I do not own a teletubby shirt, so I told her she was mistaking. The shirt I am wearing is a purple t-shirt that one of my former employers distributed at a trade show in 1996. It is kinda a funky shirt, but I only paid 3 bucks for it, and I have been wearing it occasionally for 8 years.
Much to my surprise, Julia then proved me wrong. I am indeed wearing a teletubby shirt.
My wife had a photo of me wearing this particular shirt sitting on her desk at Spokane County 911. One of her co-workers took the photo out of the frame, and installed a Tinky-Winky head over my face. Andee never bothered to fix the photo. Julia ran across the room, picked up the photo, and brought it to me. Indeed, Tinky winky wears this shirt.